Medical Physics Expert


Council Directive 97/43/Euratom (Medical Exposures Directive, MED) (Council of the European Union, 1997) defines the Medical Physics Expert (MPE) as:

"an expert in radiation physics or radiation technology applied to exposure, within the scope of this Directive, whose training and competence to act is recognized by the competent authorities; and who, as appropriate, acts or gives advice on patient dosimetry, on the development and use of complex techniques and equipment, on optimization, on quality assurance, including quality control, and on other matters relating to radiation protection, concerning exposure within the scope of this Directive".


Vzdělávací programy MPE


Vzdělávací programy radiologické fyziky pro státy sdružené v IOMP jsou v tabulkové podobě a na webových stránkách  Programy jsou v záložce 'Graduate Educational Programs'.


Česká společnost fyziků v medicíně, z.s.

Vídeňská 1958/9, 140 21 Praha 4
+420 236 053 056

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