GEC-ESTRO-ISIORT Europe Conference

07.05.2011 - 10.05.2011, London, UK

The scientific programme of the meeting will present the latest achievements in brachytherapy. It will include:

  • Pre-meeting workshop:  presentations on "high-tech" brachytherapy and external radiation
  • Teaching lectures: new radiosisotopes and publication in brachytherapy
  • Symposia:
    • New indications for brachytherapy
    • Quality assurance in brachytherapy and how to avoid accidents
    • MR guided brachytherapy for cervix
    • Brachytherapy for intermediate risk prostate cancer
  • Study reports:  RETRO-EMBRACE and EMBRACE
  • Proffered papers and posters presenting current research in brachytherapy
  • Anniversary Award Lecture and Iridium Award
Abstract submission:
We invite you to submit your abstract by 17 December 2010.
Submit your abstract >>>
Early registration deadline is on 8 December 2010.
To register >>>

Česká společnost fyziků v medicíně, z.s.

Vídeňská 1958/9, 140 21 Praha 4
+420 236 053 056

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