Future techniques for dosimetry audit

11.01.2017, ESTRO office in Brussels

Simultaneously several departments have developed techniques for analysing and assessing their own clinical practice, which could be of benefit for use on a wider scale. This opportunity to share our approaches and techniques for future audits could increase the efficiency and effectiveness as well as assess ideas for audit of upcoming technologies. The workshop would be structured to provide an informal arena for scientific interaction/networking between researchers working in the same field.


We aim to have the following participate: National audit groups, clinical trial QA groups, NMIs, IAEA, those who have an interest in audit or who have published suitable work.


Proposed outcomes of the meeting are below and will be decided on at the end of the workshop:

        Report (with some good practice recommendations?) to share with a wider audience

        Future collaboration to integrate current locally developed techniques (eg software for automated dynalog analysis) into wider audit use.

        Consideration of the role of ESTRO in future audits





To participate, it is mandatory to register at this link: http://estro.org/congresses-meetings/items/2017-dosimetry-audit-wsh


Česká společnost fyziků v medicíně, z.s.

Vídeňská 1958/9, 140 21 Praha 4
+420 236 053 056

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